Supplements for Horses

My name is Tony Green, owner of T V Green Magnetics- Supplements for horses. I have been a trainer of gallopers for over 50 years, with a few winners under my belt! 18 years ago I started out in the business of providing magnetic therapy products for horses and people. Over the years the business has evolved into producing a range of herbal supplements for horses and animals.

In conjunction with my good friend, Vince Halpin, a qualified pharmacist, herbalist and homeopath, we developed a range of animal supplements, including:

  • Specific formulas for digestion
  • Specific formulas for joints and muscles
  • Metabolic support
  • Support for the immune system
  • Vitamins and minerals  

When I first started  training, horses did not need to be supplemented with vitamins and minerals to maintain optimum health in times of stress. Soils weren't depleted of nutrients, so the nutritional value in the crops was sufficient to meet a horse’s needs. These days, however, it is necessary to add nutrients to horse feeds for optimal results.

These horse and animal supplements have proven to be helpful to trainers, equine sports persons, vets, small animal owners and breeders. 'Gold Edition', a very famous galloper, may have benefited from my horse formulas at times during her wonderful racing career.

I still feel magnetic therapy has a place in treating an unsound horse, and I would use magnets daily along with supplements if I felt a horse had some muscular problem, especially after hard work on the track.

Up until now we have been successfully operating by word-of-mouth, however after many requests, we are making our products available online. 

If you need any assistance with selecting your supplements, please don’t hesitate to Contact Us


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Our terms

We are in the business of caring for your horse, so we ask that you check with your equine sporting association or vet when using horse or animal supplements purchased from us.

We accept no liability, so it is important to be informed about any banned substances, as well as the correct treatment program for your animal.

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